
OMNIKA Maps is a mythology-focused web mapping platform. The service provides location-based information like custom maps of historical regions, ancient civilizations, ancient cities, natural geographical features, and fictional places. Researchers can use OMNIKA Maps to learn more about the places referenced in mythological stories.


Approach (coming soon)

Examples (coming soon)

Ancient Civilizations

Approach (coming soon)

Examples (coming soon)

Ancient Cities

Approach (coming soon)

Examples (coming soon)

Natural Features

Approach (coming soon)

Examples (coming soon)


Approach (coming soon)

Examples (coming soon)

Fictional Places

Approach (coming soon)

Examples (coming soon)

Under construction–check later

Sorry, we are still working on making this section of the website.


McCoy, John F., Mary Rose Bonk, Pamela A. Dear, Rachel J. Kain, et al. Geo-data: The World Geographical Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. Detroit, MI: Thomson-Gale, 2003.
National Geographic Contributors. "National Geographic Education: Digital Resource Library and Encyclopedia." Accessed September 19, 2022. https://education.nationalgeographic.org.



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